Airmask is capable of Neutralizing 99.9% COVID 19
family viruses in your surroundings.
Airmask Protect us aganist
Fine Particles
Mould Pores
Following are some of the use cases of the Wolf Airmask
● Wolf Airmask purifies the air around its area.
● Clean the air in an enclosed space.
● Wolf Airmask lets you 'Breath Fear Free'.
● From harmful air such as pollutants, pollen etc.
● Keep you safe from bacteria and viruses.
● Makes the air fresh and clean.
● Minimize the risk of COVID spread.
● Enable a safe environment for your loved ones.
● Create a safe environment for your business.
Normal Filters can only capture particulate matter of the size 0.1μm, and above. However, the air is filled with viruses that are extremely tiny of the size 0.003μm, which makes it impossible for normal HEPA filters to stop them. On the contrary, WOLF AIRMASK deactivates such nano size particles, organisms and pathogens right there in the air.